Quality First: Bewatec’s Comprehensive Automatic Testing System Sets a New Safety Benchmark for Electric Beds!

As an industry leader, Bewatec has leveraged top-notch German technology to ingeniously create the automatic testing and analysis system for electric beds. This innovation not only reflects an ultimate pursuit of technology but also represents a solemn commitment to patient safety.

Bewatec’s electric beds fully comply with the “9706.252-2021 Safety Testing Laboratory” standards, ensuring that both electrical safety and mechanical performance meet top domestic and international levels. This commitment allows patients to use the beds with confidence and provides healthcare professionals with peace of mind.

The automatic testing and analysis system for electric beds can efficiently conduct comprehensive testing, from fatigue tests to dynamic impact tests, capturing and analyzing data in real-time. This powerful technical support enables continuous product optimization and quality enhancement. During production, every bed undergoes 100% strict testing, including fatigue tests, obstacle passage tests, destructive tests, and dynamic impact tests, to ensure stability and safety under various usage conditions.

  • Obstacle Passage Tests: Ensures that the beds can move smoothly in the complex hospital environment, even in tight spaces or when encountering obstacles, avoiding jams or damage.
  • Dynamic Impact Tests: Evaluates the response and stability of the beds under dynamic impacts, safeguarding patient safety in emergencies.
  • Fatigue Tests: Simulates long-term, high-frequency usage scenarios to ensure the beds remain stable and reliable during continuous use.
  • Destructive Tests: Simulates extreme usage conditions to assess the load capacity and structural strength of the beds, ensuring stable support for patients in unexpected situations.

This rigorous series of testing processes and meticulous manufacturing techniques ensure that every electric bed produced meets unprecedented high-quality standards, maintaining stability throughout its use in hospitals.

The quality of medical equipment directly relates to patient safety and treatment outcomes. Bewatec is committed to the ultimate pursuit of quality and deep care for patient safety, from core technology development to testing standards formulation, and from production process optimization to enhancing patient experiences.

In the future, Bewatec will continue to drive development through innovation and earn trust through quality, providing patients and healthcare professionals with a safer, more comfortable, and reliable medical experience.


Post time: Sep-26-2024