BEWATEC: Top 10 “Communication Influence” Exhibitor at CIIE


BEWATEC, a prominent name in the medical bed industry, once again demonstrates its remarkable influence by securing a coveted spot among the "Top Ten Exhibitors of Communication Influence" at the esteemed Fifth China International Import Expo (CIIE). From November 5 to 10, 2022, BEWATEC showcased its latest cutting-edge products on this global stage, captivating industry experts and major media outlets alike.

Unveiling the World's First 5G Digital Intelligence Electric Bed

A standout moment of the exhibition was the debut of the revolutionary 5G digital intelligence electric bed—an innovation poised to redefine modern patient care standards. This exceptional bed seamlessly integrates advanced technologies, providing unparalleled patient comfort while empowering healthcare professionals to deliver precise, personalized, and efficient care.

Pioneering Three-Stage Turning Anti-Bedsores Mattress

BEWATEC also introduced a groundbreaking product designed to address a critical healthcare concern—the pioneering three-stage turning anti-bedsores mattress. This mattress has garnered extensive recognition, earning media coverage from esteemed platforms including Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily, and Shanghai TV.

Embracing a Vision for 2023

Looking forward to 2023, BEWATEC's commitment lies in harnessing the potential of the China International Import Expo as a global platform. Their vision includes cultivating partnerships, fostering collaborative endeavors, and propelling technological advancements while reinforcing their brand reputation. By synergizing efforts with China and the global healthcare community, BEWATEC aims to construct a healthcare landscape that is comfortable, secure, personalized, and intelligently driven.

 Shaping the Future of Medical Beds

With an unwavering dedication to innovation and a distinct emphasis on elevating the patient experience, BEWATEC is shaping the future of medical beds. Healthcare providers, institutions, and patients are entering an exciting era of intelligent medical care—a harmonious blend of cutting-edge technology and empathetic patient attention. Prepare to witness the transformation of medical beds as BEWATEC relentlessly redefines excellence within the dynamic and evolving healthcare industry.

Post time: Aug-15-2023